Frederick Douglass RepublicanismK. Carl Smith
Support T.W. Shannon - Nat'l GOP Misses Right Patriot Pick for U.S. Senate, Oklahoma
Charlotte Bergmann, TN9 - A Frederick Douglass Republican Who Fights for What's Right
Help Elect Katrina Pierson to Congress and Put Americans First
Endorsed CandidateSpecial Election 2013Illinois Congressional District 2April 9, 2013Paul McKinley Illinois 2nd District
Paul and Rochelle McKinley
Paul McKinley Statement to Voters on Street Repentance
Republican Paul McKinley Slams the Chicago Machine
Endorsed Candidates 2012
Mia Love Defends the American Dream "We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, Mia Love, mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah; GOP candidate for U.S. Congress; and Operation Black Storm candidate delivered a passionate and wildly successful speech at the Republican National Convention. Mia, quoting our first Republican president Abraham Lincoln, claimed for us a high destiny as a nation and a people. She extolled the vision of America that the GOP Platform illumines and defends, blasted Obama for his "failed" policies, and evoked the core principles of just and responsible self-government that are essential to protect the "American dream." HELP FREE AMERICA FROM OBAMA POLITICS
Only 36 years old, Mia is a staunch conservative challenging Democrat Rep. Jim Matheson, a six-term incumbent. Cook Political Report rates the race a tossup, and we hope Mia's tremendous performance on Tuesday night at the Republican Convention could give her campaign a major boost. HELP FREE AMERICA FROM THE POLITICS OF DIVISION
To top that off, West constantly challenges Barack Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi, TWO George Soros SuperPACs AND the Marxist Congressional Black Caucus. It's a good thing that Col. Allen West is a combat-tested veteran, mission ready and in command – because confronting the radical left's lies is a non-stop duty! HELP FREE AMERICA FROM OBAMA POLITICS
Mia Love of Utah's 4th District: "I am deeply honored and humbled to have received Congressman Alan West's endorsement for our Congressional campaign," Love said. "I am proud to call him an ally in the fight for limited government, fiscal discipline and personal responsibility."
The need has NEVER been so urgent. Allen West warns that under Obama statism – unless the People take our nation back from the Marxists – we are losing America! HELP FREE AMERICA FROM OBAMA POLITICS
She went on to talk about how the Supreme Court majority opinion that the mandate is a tax was a "technical term" and it shouldn't really mean anything to the American people. Pelosi ducked answering the question because she knows middle class families will be hardest hit by the ObamaCare ObamaTax, and she knows Barack Obama promised not to raise taxes on the middle class. But for all the leftwing redistributionists, the end justifies the means, "so who cares what the mandate is called." Fortunately for us, Allen West cares! There is a wonderful interview he conducted after Nancy Pelosi made her inane comments where he politely called her "somewhat delusional" and wondered aloud if she would feel so indifferent about "Washington talk" if the government ordered everyone to buy a 9mm Glock or face a tax penalty. PELOSI IS SO ANGERED BY HIS BOLDNESS, SHE HAS MADE ALLEN WEST HER NUMBER ONE TARGET FOR DEFEAT, helping with TWO different SuperPACs to replace him in Congress! Rep. West went on to denounce the ObamaCare opinion as a "horrific decision" by the Supreme Court, and stated that it is "behavior modification by way of taxation." HELP FREE AMERICA FROM THE POLITICS OF DIVISION Obama's violations against the Constitution, communistic, "progressive" usurpations of Congress' lawmaking powers, and raw aggression against Judicial Branch impartiality ruling on the Constitutionality of cases are CRIMES aided and abetted not only by his corrupt Executive Branch lackeys like Eric Holder, but by virtual communists and the "blame America firsters" of the liberty-hating and equality-undermining Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).
It also aids and abets the Democrat Party in dereliction of duty. Allen West spoke recently at the Florida State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) 63rd Annual Conference. He explained the current condition of our great nation, and how we are losing it. He started his talk saying bluntly:
Rep. West has argued correctly the Constitutional position – that our national plight arises from those in Washington abandoning founding principle; it is the result of FAILURE of leadership. HELP FREE AMERICA FROM THE POLITICS OF DIVISION
Our Frederick Douglass Republicans take Obama and his faction head-on, fearlessly repudiating the left's baseless yet very destructive cries of "racism" against all who resist their communistic transformation of our legacy of liberty and freedom.
And the Obama agenda is UNACCEPTABLE to the vast majority of Americans! Obama does not love America. He does not have America's best interests at heart. He is a delusional narcissist with contempt for the Constitution and no regard for the rule of law. Obama is indifferent to the dangers to which he exposes America in his ruthless, grasping quest for office, and the destruction he wreaks to our ordered liberty and institutions of self-government. Obama, the Campaigner-in-Chief, is willing to divide America on matters of race, creed and color like our nation has not seen since the rending wounds of the Civil War. Obama will NOT rest until the United States of America becomes the Socialist States of America and his radical agenda is in place with every Citizen dependent on Big Brother because there will be NO jobs, NO national harmony, NO unity. HELP FREE AMERICA FROM THE POLITICS OF DIVISION
West and Scott are running hard for re-election, but as established conservative leaders, they are ALSO seeking allies and "comrades in arms"! Let's send this strong woman contender who will CONFOUND the race-baiting Obama left – Mia Love from Utah! Mia Love is currently the mayor of Saratoga Springs, but she also recently won a primary race to become the Republican candidate in Utah's 4th Congressional District. She will face incumbent Democrat Jim Matheson in November. A victory over Matheson would make Love the first black Republican congresswoman in the House of Representatives.
On the heels of Operation Black Storm's 2010 success in helping elect Rep. Allen West (FL) and Rep. Tim Scott (SC), OBS is proud to endorse and support Mia Love for Congress!
Mia says that her parents immigrated to this country from Haiti with nothing but a strong family and a solid work ethic. "My father, who took two jobs to help pay for my education, was a living example of personal responsibility. He is proud to say he didn't take a handout. When I graduated from college, my father told me, 'You will not be a burden to society. You will give back…' I am mayor of Saratoga Springs and I am running for Congress with this small government, fiscally responsible philosophy: We are not entitled to anything we don't own, earn, work for, or pay for ourselves. The era of entitlements needs to end." Every day, somewhere in the country, the Democrat elites pull out and viciously play their omnipresent race card against independent, accomplished citizen patriots and lovers of liberty like Mia Love. If you have ever been on the receiving end of these false attacks, you know how repugnant, sickening and unfair they can be. Congress desperately needs the voices of more minority conservatives to ANSWER BACK, help break the bonds of racialist tyranny that hold people back from freedom, and liberate black America from the Democrats' plantation politics.
"The inflammatory rhetoric and class-warfare agenda of many of today's Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) members do not reflect the values upon which this country was founded. As an American who is also black, I am proud to align myself with the forces of freedom." Mia has noted that "Andre Carson's comments, along with those of Rep. Maxine Waters of California telling the Tea Party to 'go straight to hell,' send a disturbingly hostile message. As the only conservative member in the 43-member caucus, Rep. Allen West of Florida has urged the chairman of the CBC to condemn 'hate-filled comments' of some members. West is still waiting for a response from the caucus, but what he really needs are reinforcements in Congress who will better reflect the diversity of views held by black Americans." Mia is ready, willing and able to lead those reinforcements! PLEASE support our efforts and help Operation Black Storm empower Mia Love's challenge to Matheson in Utah… HELP FREE AMERICA FROM PLANTATION POLITICS We know, of course, that today during a highly divisive election season things are only going to get worse on the campaign trail. Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, and the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) loaded with bigots like Andre Carson are more interested in igniting divisive racism than extinguishing it. Far from promoting freedom or unity, the Obama-CBC agenda calls for ever-increasing levels of animosity, and for black Americans fear, alienation, isolation and dependency as an engine for "getting out the vote." Just in time for America's glorious Independence Day, this same Congressman Andre Carson – who with the CBC's Keith Ellison of Michigan is one of only two professing Muslims in the U.S. Congress – advocated another jaunt down bigotry's path, with the following outrageous statement about inner-city schools:
The CBC legislative agenda calls for ever-increasing levels of dependency for black Americans through federally initiated entitlement programs. Mia Love believes that trimming government and getting it out of the way of economic recovery is the best way to create jobs and wealth that enable people to pull themselves out of poverty. Personal responsibility cannot be omitted from the equation. More importantly, leaders in black communities such as members of the CBC must stop demonizing those who promote such values. Mia is determined to join Florida Rep. Allen West and help put on the brakes. One of Mia Love's expressed goals, should she make it to the House of Representatives, is – like West – to join the Congressional Black Caucus in order to "take that thing apart from the inside out," as she says. Mia Love is already drawing the vicious attacks of the left for charting this course, and for allying herself with Congressmen Allen and Scott, the Tea Parties and Operation Black Storm. Love's message for both the incumbent Matheson and the Democrat Party is simple: "Game on." HELP FREE AMERICA FROM PLANTATION POLITICS
We need to send Mia to Washington, to join Representatives West and Scott on Capitol Hill. Since their election in 2010, Operation Black Storm Congressmen Allen West and Tim Scott have rocked Washington DC, by bringing the principles of Frederick Douglass Republicans and message of black conservatism back to our nation's Capital. Representatives West & Scott have often been the only members of Congress unafraid of the racism charges favored by the Tyrant in Chief, unabashedly calling out Obama and the Black Congressional Caucus for their disastrous policies and obvious race baiting. BUT ALLEN WEST AND TIM SCOTT NEED MORE ALLIES IN CONGRESS, AND THAT MEANS MIA LOVE NEEDS YOUR HELP FOR VICTORY! Representatives West and Scott cannot "hold the line" alone. They need more Frederick Douglass constitutionalists to stand with them to defeat the race baiting, plantation politics of the left. They need solid moral and fiscal conservatives like Mia Love to restore the Republican Party to its true constitutional roots. Let's break the bonds of dependency, big government, and racism – once and for all! As we head into the heart of perhaps one of the most important – but racially and economically polarized election cycles of our lifetime – we need to continue our success in carrying the message of freedom. Help us fill Congress with dedicated, liberty loving, social and fiscal conservatives who can free America from the bondage of leftist class warfare and shameful RINO "me too" Republicanism. We are proud to endorse Mia Love, candidate for Utah's 4th Congressional District – and we implore YOUR support for this patriot lady and our OBS efforts NOW! HELP FREE AMERICA FROM PLANTATION POLITICS Operation Black Storm is dedicated to replacing the plantation politics of the left with liberty, by electing more Frederick Douglass Republican, Constitutionalist conservatives like Mia Love, candidate for Utah's 4th Congressional District. Please join us! Keep Faith, Alan Keyes
Congressman Allen West on
The Frederick Douglass Republican messageFor those of you who missed it on C-SPAN, posted above is a video of the historic Black Conservative Forum, that Congressman Allen West sponsored, with, among others, our friends K.Carl Smith, his brother, Dr. Karnie Smith and Rev. C.L. Bryant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YIcwS6pyfI . Please share this link with all. The Frederick Douglass Republican message is really taking off, and the Smiths' book "Frederick Douglass Republicans: The Movement to Re-ignite America's Passion for Liberty", available from Amazon, is flying off the shelves! K.Carl can barely keep up with his requests for speaking engagements- everything from The National Federation of Republican Women, to Hip Hop Republicans (one every week in February)..... |
Class warfare is Anti-AmericanHonoring one of the great heroes of the civil rights movement, President Obama recently used the imagery and power of Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy to legitimize protesters squatting in parks across the country. A better symbol of the Occupy Wall Street movement comes from my parent's home country of Haiti. The image of Jean Bertrand Aristide telling Haiti's poor to "catch someone who does not deserve to be where he is" and "give him what he deserves" embodies the same spirit of class warfare being perpetuated by some of today's OWS protesters. The disastrous results of Aristide's campaign of hate should not be replicated in America.... |
The disappearing black middle classMillions of Americans endured financial calamities in the recession. But for many in the black community, job loss has knocked them out of the middle class and back into poverty. And some experts warn of a historic reversal of hard-won economic gains that took black people decades to achieve. “History is going to say the black middle class was decimated” over the past few years, said Maya Wiley, director of the Center for Social Inclusion. “But we’re not done writing history.”... [Read More] |
Why do blacks still let Obama off the hook?A Chicago Sun Times article, headlined "The disappearing black middle class," reports on the disproportionate effect of these hard economic times on blacks. According to the data, taken from the Washington-based Economic Policy Institute, median net worth of white households fell from $134,280 in 2004 to $97,860 in 2009, while over the same period median black household net worth went from $13, 450 to $2,170... [Read More] |
Democrats' Diversity ProblemRepublicans are making significant inroads in recruiting minority officeholders with crossover appeal while Democrats' officeholders are mostly a result of House districts specifically drawn to elect minorities and are too liberal to appeal to the average voter... [Read More] |
WASHINGTON, DC (Oct 29, 2010)-- Patriot PAC held a news conference on Friday, Oct 29 at 1PM ET at the National Press Club to discuss the TEA Party and GOP support of their black Congressional candidates. They will also discuss the impact of the TEA Party movement on the widely anticipated conservative sweep of congressional races, and the role played in the field through Operation Black Storm.
Featured speakers at the Press Club conference were Operation Black Storm candidates Robert Broadus - MD-4 and Bill Randall - NC-13.
Supporters of Operation Black Storm believe that the election of minority candidates should be at the forefront of Republican politics, particularly as after the election of 2010, there will likely be more conservative black candidates serving in Congress since Reconstruction.
Spokesperson for Operation Black Storm, Kevin Jackson of The Black Sphere and author of the best-selling book The Big Black Lie commented, “Republicans can be proud that JC Watts carried the torch in the U.S. House alone for some years; however it is a new day. The socialist blacks in Congress—the Congressional Black Caucus—are about to have to contend with a black peer group constituted of Frederick Douglass Republicans, who see America as the land of opportunity, and not the land of handouts.”
Asked why this news conference was scheduled, Jackson explained that most in the mainstream media are not covering what is about to occur, though it is as historically significant as Obama’s election, a transformative time in American politics, and a day Democrats have dreaded to confront.
The mission of Operation Black Storm is to get the rest of America to see the importance of what is happening, and to support these candidates in the final surge to Nov 2 by donating to the candidates directly or HERE through Patriot PAC.
The press conference can viewed in its entirety at www.YouTube.com/illuminatitv
Patriot PAC is providing endorsements and financial support for the whole slate of candidates under Operation Black Storm, and has gratefully received the warm embrace of the national Tea Party and Patriot movement.
Marvin Scott - IN-7, Chuck Smith - VA-3, Bill Randall - NC-13, Tim Scott - SC-3, Bill Marcy - MS-2, Charlotte Bergman - TN-9, Michael Faulkner - NY-15, Robert Broadus - MD-4, Charles Lollar - MD-5, Stephen Broden - TX-9, Star Parker - CA-37, Ryan Frazier - CO-7, Allen West - FL-22, Isaac Hayes - IL-2, and Vince Danet - US Virgin Islands are Operation Black Storm candidates.
K. Carl Smith, President of ConservativeMESSENGER, and Field Director for the Operation Black Storm coalition stated, “We want to reignite America’s passion for liberty and create an atmosphere for political dialogue where Frederick Douglass Republicans can engage in conversation in every community, and show black America an open path of integrity to voting their core values.”
Paid for by Patriot PAC